About Me
Who are you?

Telegram sticker art by PalehornTea.
I go by "Polar Bear," "Polar" for short, and my friends have lately taken to referring to me as "Bear." Take a wild fucking guess at what my fursona species is, you'll never figure i- oh ok you got it.
Eww, gross furry!
I am cringe and I am free. It's the 21st century and hating on furries is so late 90's and early 00's edgy 4channer bullshit. Get over yourself or unkindly fuck off.
My friends back in high school called me a polar bear because I was a pasty-ass fat kid. The identity stuck and became something of a brand for me. I liked it. As I grew older, I have had people look at photos of me and agree that there's a resemblance. Not to mention, a story my mother used to often tell was from a visit to a zoo where the polar bears in that exhibit really wanted me as I looked in from the underwater observation area - clearly, foreshadowing (yes, I'm sure they wanted to eat me, but this take on it is better).
That aside...
I spent my youth playing way too many video games on the SNES, PlayStation and PlayStation 2, and my career path began when I picked up a book on how to write HTML from my high school library. I have a background in information technology doing on-site and in-shop computer repair work as an independent contractor and for a public school system, and have been developing, maintaining, and supporting web software in a number of languages and environments for well over a decade and a half, from eCommerce websites to internet survey engines to browser-based simulation engines. Tech-oriented pursuits in my free time have been dabbling in Windows and .NET software development usually to accomplish some sort of video game modification, and lately I've been on a kick of acquiring old game consoles, repairing them, and modding them to run homebrew apps and copies of the games I own.
I also fancy myself something of a writer when the mood and inspiration strikes me and have spent countless hours of my free time playing MMORPGs and tabletop RPGs, creating characters to fit within the setting and seeing how they might interact with other characters.
"Cabroso" dot dev?
Well, first and foremost, domain names with some variation of "polar bear" in the dev and io TLDs were already taken (still mad that polar dot io is taken by some blockchain bullshit), so I had to fall back on something more unique.
One of my closest friends, a writer of Puerto Rican descent, has a knack for wordplay and coming up with some of the most esoteric and entertaining insults and joke-threats I've ever heard. We were playing Minecraft one day and just out of left field she utters the word "cabroso" to get my attention. And attention certainly gotten, I asked her to repeat this and elaborate: it's a Spanish portmanteau of "cabrón" and "oso" she came up with on the spot. For the uninitiated, "cabrón" is pretty versatile Spanish vulgar slang and can mean anything from "badass" to "dumbass" depending on the context. "Oso" is just the Spanish word for "bear."
Anything else?
Uhhh... yeah, I guess a couple other relevant things to bring up about me are that I am a bisexual disaster and that I'm unabashedly liberal. Expect those takes in my blog as time goes on.

Portrait art by Crowtaur.
Also, punch nazis.
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Hello Mar 3, 2025, 5:47 PM (5 days ago)
FopoRggr diKdJLje gFnxDX QZWRFN RaLiSi yuqTD leEV
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